Tuesday, January 24, 2012

eBay Block bidders bidder list

123edmundop, 123wesly, 12bitrec, 2333, 31051979, 429brian, 4gceo, 60548447@deleted, 63693380@deleted, 7pianodog, abadchevy, abashan_79, ac2024, adinfinitumband, aerokintl, airgiz, akrystalo4f27, alaysia22, alexshox, alyse143, ambutwin, amexus1, andrewmarklind, arqnet, awsomenos, ayala_01, az_pianoman, azukarr, b1611kj, b_psalm91, bay_buyer_guy, beckgodisgood, bernardoheredia, bevsiou$, bigfootjama, biltong747, bncomputers, bonitaelliott78, brendab_2003, brent408, brettjmaxwell, brown11434, bruceyates1, bruizer123, bstiquestoysntools, buymenow123, bz71, caligrapher, candycane_10_7, caoimhed, captainschmedley, carmenkurjata, catalin_cotelin, cd9d667ac8a9bf54ae55c63b12103ada116029488, chatchik57, chicagoroy, chyna2doll, cisco_obsessed, cleotha4000, cmiller4526, collateral_bid, cookies2989, copiousbreaks, copperpony_48, cpeiv, cruhnke, ctiwolf, d6d79f625782e2d8e72d1cd05f930da7131068222, da1mann, damo5mine, dan_jazzshop1, danceshelbydooby, daniel_424, davidh2829, davises02, dfc4a459564f927065663804, dmanappz, dngo3ret, doran.usher, dougbrax44, dpwaaf35, eaglei78, edr614, elnino1again, emygyal, eric33nyc, erik47, errantsgypsie, evrod123, executive0010, fefestephens, felipebp, funkymirool, furu_80, gamefrick01, gavaness, gbenga20102010, gene6977, gk2bill, gnjfourever, goboy12, grahadeakusuf, gregrey_mary1, h0twatrmusik, hammgr, hammond8808, hands0medave, harryharrison1, hatzivasiliou, hawk100_1, hbeverly2003, hueymeister1, ia17_2000, ikebbeh, illcollins, im92401, italianwarfronte, jademining, jamewhitewhite, janos5853, jazztrumpet81, jazzyjesse420, jbteddy01, jchs72, joshjohn5431, jsotico, judystroud720, juneaskeenes, kallemartin0525, kangr00me2, keymoonfree, kpw362000, kromags, laaaay, lanrexng2, lemonk2002, leor500, lfrias0, livtoroc4u, lmontypro, lordba, love2chat, lulu_07, luzia0301, m-minds, madmax973, mak3452000, mandykins639, maneatbird, mariosfriends, maryland*2011, mauicyp, melj113074, mercedesny, messyp, mickeybillionarie, midnitecolin, miguel_quinonez, mnfhoward100, mondo1106, movieman1971, mrbyrd201, musiclady099, musicprm, musik-direktor, mvailant, myownrecords, mystijade, naiahbingee, naldyblue, nathensissues, nhcmc, olakunle_4, oldbebe, oneyedsally, otkritoenebo, pandy8399, panj65, payasa_pr, peggyb12eat, pflippa14, phatassbiatch, pianist007_123, pianokid2003, pimpa8886, pistons98, planetaa, primeamp, protech, pw2389, randall6719, rayitis, redgraw, ringofapes, rjh7373, ro100tskiy, rockerhifi, rocky535353, ronaldt773, ronj2b, roobear1991, roshines, ruggedminded_bill, scale18racing, scojen27, scottyorange, sdefader, sexyindeed03, sing2001, sirlucasyork, smtoury, solidasleep, sologirlz, sreesetx, st4t1clull4by, stanggbp1972, stewart_autos47, stogunde, sundol22, swier2005, tabcdude, tajm6, tazman984201, tengkorak_55, tgisales, thegiftofgrace, theladuke, tiffany51584, tiffy840, titti_titti2, tmouse44, tomaszr123, troyb0_0, tvsystems, typerope7, tyty_22_dimple, ugk50, usacalifornia, virgo580_0, wee_store55, with-love-from-ukraine, woodenendcheeks, ww2helmet, wynueco2004, xphiferpunkx, zendigo, 118476967@deleted, 119291921@deleted, 121384967@deleted, 126683010@deleted, 127903907@deleted, 128417351@deleted, 130406809@deleted, 135911840@deleted, 167651325@deleted, 172362227@deleted, 21775484@deleted, 30220499@deleted, 31895202@deleted, 37209412@deleted, 40667579@deleted, 45272116@deleted, 55027168@deleted, 58553055@deleted, 59783625@deleted, 61984338@deleted, 63312504@deleted, 66823025@deleted, 74916710@deleted, 77000134@deleted, 77239420@deleted, 81349871@deleted, 84116769@deleted, 86241531@deleted, 86869337@deleted, 89228422@deleted, 90700519@deleted, 9126592@deleted, bella5914@aol.com, tracyb@telenet.net

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Black Flash background in Safari

This issue was resolved by downloading and installing the latest version of Flash Player from adobe.com.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Swapping multiple images on mouseover

In header:
function swapover(n) // swaps the images on each mouseover
document.images['m'].src = eval("m" + n + ".src");
document.images['arr'+n ].src= eval("arr1.src");
function swapout(n) // swaps the images back on each mouseout
document.images['m'].src = eval("m0.src");
document.images['arr'+n ].src = eval("arr0.src");

// --></script>
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arr1 = "images/arrow13t.gif";
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arr2 = "images/arrow13t.gif";
arr4 = new Image(9,9);
arr4 = "images/arrow13t.gif";
arr5 = new Image(9,9);
arr5 = "images/arrow13t.gif";
arr7 = new Image(9,9);
arr7 = "images/arrow13t.gif";
arr9 = new Image(9,9);
arr9 = "images/arrow13t.gif";
arr10 = new Image(9,9);
arr10 = "images/arrow13t.gif";
arr12 = new Image(9,9);
arr12 = "images/arrow13t.gif";
arr13 = new Image(9,9);
arr13 = "images/arrow13t.gif";
arr14 = new Image(9,9);
arr14 = "images/arrow13t.gif";
arr15 = new Image(9,9);
arr15 = "images/arrow13t.gif";
arr16 = new Image(9,9);
arr16 = "images/arrow13t.gif";

m0 = new Image(475,288);
m0.src = "images/m0.gif";
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m1.src = "images/m1.gif";
m2 = new Image(475,288);
m2.src = "images/m2.gif";
m4 = new Image(475,288);
m4.src = "images/m4.gif";
m5 = new Image(475,288);
m5.src = "images/m5.gif";
m7 = new Image(475,288);
m7.src = "images/m7.gif";
m9 = new Image(475,288);
m9.src = "images/m1.gif";
m10 = new Image(475,288);
m10.src = "images/m10.gif";
m12 = new Image(475,288);
m12.src = "images/m12.gif";
m13 = new Image(475,288);
m13.src = "images/m13.gif";
m14 = new Image(475,288);
m14.src = "images/m14.gif";
m15 = new Image(475,288);
m15.src = "images/m15.gif";
m16 = new Image(476, 284);
m16.src = "images/m16.gif";
// --></script>

<img border="0" src="images/m0.gif" name="m" usemap="#FPMap0" width="475" height="288">
<map name="FPMap0">
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<a onmouseover='swapover(1)' onmouseout='swapout(1)' class='home3' href='http://www.something.org'>
<img src='../images/pixel2.gif' border='0' width='9' height='9' name='arr1'>Some city one</a><br>
<a onmouseover='swapover(15)' onmouseout='swapout(15)' class='home3' href='http://www.something.org'>
<img src='../images/pixel2.gif' border='0' width='9' height='9' name='arr15'>Some city two</a><br>

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Rokes

The Rokes were one of the more unusual British Invasion-era groups to come out of England, if only for the pattern and locale of their success. They never sold many records in England, or any in America, but they were a major act in Italy and also managed to make an extraordinary, albeit indirect, impact on the 1960's with a song that they originally premiered in Italian.